Pastor Retreats

Easy Yoke is perfect for a quiet weekday pastor retreat.

Since pastors often work on the weekend, this retreat is not typically a weekend retreat. One format we have used is a Monday-Wednesday retreat (Monday lunch through Wednesday lunch). Its focus is extended personal times of prayer and meditation and gives a pastor a time of renewal and an opportunity to step back from the press of ongoing responsibilities. It includes extended periods of silence and solitude for individual reflection, input on the practice of selected spiritual disciplines in a context where there is an opportunity to practice them, and time to learn about other spiritual formation opportunities following the retreat.

Individual practice of various spiritual disciplines varies considerably from one person to another, as do approaches to prayer. This variation is expected to be evident within this personal retreat. Individual pastors can spend their time engaged in practices they already prefer or they can participate in consultations about new practices or approaches to prayer they wish to pursue during the retreat. Concise written materials on such practices will be available as well. Each person’s time of retreat will be individually tailored to their personal preferences and can vary considerably in terms of how much time they spend in solitude or in discussion of personal approaches to Christian spirituality.

Of course, this is only one of many retreats. Many pastors come for an extended time, and use the time for study, planning, or just good old rest (our library has quite a few books that one might enjoy).

Where are we?

Easy Yoke Retreat House

4800 Northcreek Rd

Beulah, Colorado 81023

(719) 485-4800

We're on
