Ron Anderson recently retired from a long career as a professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder. He is currently serving as the Transitional Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Pueblo. In this role, he serves as pastor to the pastors of the Presbytery and administrator of Presbytery activities. In addition, it should be noted that he has extensive experience as a teacher, small group leader and leader of retreats. He was trained as a spriitual director through Benet Hill in Colorado Springs.
Sandy Anderson is the office manager for the retreat house and handles all reservations. She also maintains the xeriscape flower gardens she created for us. She is a musician (violist) with a Doctor of Musical Arts degree and a history of performance and teaching.
Tim Anderson’s commitment to worship is based not only on his biblical training and skill as a guitarist/worship leader, but is grounded in his study of worship and his expertise in the many aspects of computer-based technology used in worship services today. He served as an associate pastor, responsible for worship as well as finding and leading teachers for groups and other ministries. He was trained as a spiritual director through a program at Pecos Monastery in New Mexico.
Lee Anne Anderson plays many roles in the retreat house, including food preparation, cleaning, and maintaining the website. She has several years of experience as the office manager of two different churches. Tim and Lee Anne have two sons.
Easy Yoke Retreat House
4800 Northcreek Rd
Beulah, Colorado 81023
(719) 485-4800
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